Communication From Home
Communication is still considered the key to successful working. The increased interconnection of systems forces you to optimize collaboration in today’s world, from an economic point of view alone. An improvement in communication here leads directly to an increase in productivity.
Although digital approaches are already available, these usually specialize in specific areas of application. Be it just chatting with each other, sharing presentations or an available intranet. A mobile platform like MEA bundles these approaches together and thus networks all employees within one app. As long as the smartphone or a computer is at hand, access to all systems is guaranteed. No matter when, no matter where.
Source: https://de.statista.com/infografik/20233/warum-beschaeftigte-nicht-im-homeoffice-arbeiten/
Compulsory Home Office Due To COVID-19
As described in the chart above, just a few years ago there were many reasons for not going into home office. These included the expectation of being present, lack of technical implementation and the perception of it being inappropriate.
The current developments through COVID-19 are now eliminating these reasons in many cases. In the crisis ways are found and created. Once in home office, however, new challenges arise that need to be overcome – the communication among each other.
An employee app can be used to connect every staff member working in home office. This can be done, for example, between colleagues via direct chat. Furthermore, a workgroup, a team or a whole department can exchange information and work together via a kind of group chat. On the company level it is also possible to send information to all employees via push messages. For example, for updates on the current situation. Surveys within the app can also be used gather thoughts on taken measures or emerging situations.
The use of home office is only a first step and requires sustained management from the company. Take the initiative and support your employees. Encourage the exchange among each other and provide each staff member with information and the possibility to have a suitable contact person at hand at any time!
Find more information about our employee app on our Homepage. Or contact us for a consultation under sales@plazz.ag.